Content Marketing

5 Elements Of Successful Content Marketing For better Results

This post is a guest post by Emily Jhonson who writes reviews of essay writing services at her website It is an effective way of finding an essay writing service provider. All the Students will be happy to visit her blog.

Content marketing plays an important role in promoting your business on the web as it can help to grow revenue. So, you need to do your best to create SEO friendly articles first.

Here is a short content marketing strategy guide for you to read. In short, there are five elements of successful content marketing.

  Blog Writing

  Most companies run sites where they give trustful information about their products and services. However, brands’ sites are not just about it. To attract more visitors and build your online reputation, you should focus on high-quality blog content writing.

Actually, it means not only posting articles daily but making them media-savvy, interesting, and useful as well.

Let’s be real:

Surfing the Internet, you might find enormous articles on different topics, so it’s nearly impossible to create something unique.

So, if you want to become a successful content marketer, you need to learn how to write a perfect blog post. Once you start writing savvy texts, you’ll start getting more visitors and interactions. In short, put your readers’ needs first to help them rely on you and your brand.

  Social Media Marketing

How many people have social media profiles on the web?

To be honest, the number of people who use social media networks daily is growing rapidly. Thus, social media have become an alternative source of boosting traffic. Most companies have their brand’s pages and post content daily. It is an easy and comfortable way to reach your audience and communicate with them.

Depending on your audience’s analysis, you can choose one or several networks to create an account. The most common social networks are:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

No matter what network you choose, if you want to grow your community, you’d better dedicate time to reading tips on social media marketing. For example, there are many ways to use social media to boost up your blog. People crave actionable tips and examples, and it is not so hard to get them.


Scholars claim that people perceive visual information better than textual. Most proficient marketers know this fact, and they don’t hesitate to make right content for their audience. One of the ways to provide readers with information using visual content is vlogging.

Vlogging means video blogging, and it is posting videos on a regular basis to give people actionable and interesting information. The most common ways to use vlogging for your business is to post video reviews of products, interviews, and ‘how to’ stories.

You can run both blog and vlog to attract more visitors and gain subscribers.


Modern marketing suggests alternative ways of promotion. For example, you can organize offline or online conferences. Your audience can get the most out of it, and it can be beneficial for your brand, too.

However, it is important to create an interesting and useful conference with great speakers and actionable examples. So, it is not an easy thing to do.

There are three stages of conference organization:

  • pre-conference: it is time to pick up topics, speakers, and organize the event itself
  • conference: communicate with visitors, provide them with useful information
  • post-conference: continue on building relations with your audience

Once you pick the theme for your conference, set your conference goals. Ask yourself what you want to get from this event (leads, brand exposure, new accounts, etc.). Then, after the conference, analyze the data. It can help you make SWOT analysis later.

By the way, don’t hesitate to attend conferences as well. It is a good way to analyze competitors, meet new colleagues, and get insights.

Offline Trainings

Content marketing can be offline, too. If you want to share something useful with your audience and get their contacts back, you can organize offline training.

The system is easy: you invite gurus to speak on important topics, promote the event via the Internet, attract visitors, take their contacts, and generate leads. Of course, it’s unlikely you can use this tool too often, but it is important to know how to organize such events.

Final Thoughts

Proper using of all above-mentioned elements can help you become a successful content marketer. All in all, useful content is at the core of marketing, so you should do your best to learn how to craft interesting and media-savvy content.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    I completely agree, we can’t always write unique content as some how we take ideas from same content on other blogs for our future post. All we can do is try to make it as much better we can by adding all of the points if any the other have missed.

    Social media I think, a site without Social profiles is like a desert not a days – even google sees those sites as unprofessional and less in authority. Not to forget Social SIgnals as ranking signals as well.

    Back to you!! ?

    1. Hey Ashok,

      It is always necessary to provide the best content to your readers. People seek for something valuable and when you fulfill their requirements then you will become a brand.

      Social media is one of the best ways for searching the ideas for new blog posts. You should always keep in touch with Twitter. In my opinion, it provides many opportunities for people.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


      1. Hello Ravi,

        Honestly am still now much usedto with Twitter as Facebook is what we use most of the time.

        Still I started posting to Twitter regularly and learning how exactly it works.

        1. Hi Ashok,

          I agree with your point, but you should use Twitter more frequently. It is more effective than Facebook when it comes to professional use. You will get more traffic and readers will be from different countries.

          Though there are many other social media platforms to use, but still concentrate on any two. Because in most of the cases people try to show their presence at every platform and fail to handle even one.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    If there is one point which Emily wrote which I certainly do agree with her, it has to do with the vblogging point. That is one aspect of blogging many seem not to concentrate on but leveraging the power vbloggong is of course likely to bring tremendous results.

    1. Hi Kabie,

      It’s good to see you.:)

      Emily has considered some great points here. There are many people who prefer social media as the platform for better results. It’s the matter of choice. As you have mentioned Vblogging.

      Bloggers are exploring their talent through visual content.

      Thanks for your opinion.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for sharing another quality post. All the strategies are very worthwhile which help us to successful content marketing.

    Keep sharing ?



    1. Hey Mairaj,

      Emily has shared many points about content marketing. She has mentioned Vblogging which is something great to look upon. If you want to aspire your thoughts and easy learning then tending towards visual content is the best idea.

      Have a nice day.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    How are you today? Content writing to content marketing is a very tough and interesting journey for anyone. If you want to rank high then good content is necessary. But you can not ignore content marketing.

    Every step is very useful in content marketing. I love the social media the visibility of my post. And yesterday, i launched my second website. Ravi, I invite you to visit my website and share your valuable toughts.


    1. Hey Taposh,

      I am great. Thanks:)

      I agree with your points. Content writing isn’t that much easy as people think. It requires many features to consider. You should know what your readers want? Social media is an important aspect to think about. If you want to learn about content marketing then start with social media platforms.

      Glad to hear your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  5. Hey Emily and Ravi,

    I’m glad that Im living in this era. We have so much more when it comes to content marketing because of the internet. This is a great list and it’s just scratching the surface of what we all can take advantage of. I’m only doing blogging and social media marketing and just with these two I’ve gotten great results.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great rest of the week!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      The era of technology is much more fun and interesting. People need to know about content marketing techniques if they want to build a better online business. Blogging and social media are great content marketing steps. But you can’t deny that others also give promising results.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for sharing these elements of successful content marketing for better Results. It’s really useful tips to get better result in Content Marketing. I appreciate to your post.

    Keep sharing good quality post

    Thank you. Have a great day.. ?

    1. Hey Mansi,

      It’s good to know that you liked the post.

      Content marketing is an important thing to learn for better results in the field of blogging. For a blog, you need to connect with other people via social media and many more sources.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Hi Ravi

    Importance of content marketing is getting increase day by day.

    Content marketing has the power to grow any online business. Am I right? or not?

    I have seen so many blogs suggesting E-commerce owners to use content marketing to promote their e-commerce site and to grab some natural backlinks so that they can rank their inner product pages of their e-commerce website.

    You have written such an in-depth and amazing article.

    So Thanks for sharing it with us. ?

    1. Hi Suprabhat,

      It’s great to see you after a long time.:)

      No doubt that content marketing is powerful and can boost up any online business. People need to understand the major striking issues of content marketing.

      Promotion of a website is the major benefit of content marketing.

      Great to have you here.


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